


The MataBlog is edited by Matador Records’ co-moaner Gerard Cosloy and individual entries are the work of whoever’s name is next to them. If you enjoyed something in the MataBlog, thank you very much! If there was something you found particularly troubling, please be advised that a) maybe you should read it again and b) the contents of this blog do not necessarily represent the opinions of Matador Records, Beggars Group, the combined staff of either company, nor the Matador artist roster. Opinions are like friends — hardly anyone has one worth listening to.

The Greatest Piece of (Rock) Historical Revisionism Ever Committed To Video

You know the old saying, "those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it?" No? Well, it's a pretty good saying. The above Pussy Galore bio pic by Michele O'Mara, however brings to mind the truism "history is best retold by persons who don't give a shit about accuracy or likenesses" (OK, I made that up myself). With all due respect to meme-tastic crazes like keyboard kitties and Alexyss Tylor, I see no reason why this video shouldn't top a million or more views by the end of the week. (thanks to Linda Wolfe for the heads-up about this astonishing video)

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